SiteMix Pressure Grouting was recently contracted to complete a job at a new waste transfer station. The facility, originally built in 1960, was no longer able to efficiently process the nearly 170,000 tons of trash that it received annually. This makes sense after 60 years of operation. Given the state of this facility, in February 2020 the owner allocated $26 million to build a new, cutting-edge station.
This new waste transfer station would not only be significantly larger than the existing facility, but would also be constructed at a greater elevation. This required that a significant amount of groundwork would have to be done to ensure the stability of the structure. In order to reduce the load placed on surrounding soils, engineers chose to utilize a lightweight, low-density cellular concrete (LDCC) as a backfill material. LDCC is extremely lightweight when compared to traditional fill materials, but also features a high compressive strength, which means that it could bear the weight of this facility’s structure while reducing the potential for settlement of the surrounding soils.
When it came to selecting the right LDCC for the job, our Pressure Grouting experts determined and recommended that this project needed Aerix Industries’ non-permeable, 30-pcf Aerlite-iX™. The six-person crew installed 6,400 cubic yards of the LDCC at an average rate of 175 cubic yards per hour. The LDCC was placed using four-foot lifts at a maximum height of eight feet.
The use of LDCC with its unique properties, provided an essential element of stability for this facility, which would significantly increase the waste management efficiency of the entire region. Additionally, while the budget for this project was generous, the LDCC we used provided additional value via speed of installation and cost-efficiency which was ultimately of primary importance. In these types of applications, LDCC not only provides greater stability and compressive strength, it also provides a significant reduction in labor and material cost when compared to more traditional materials.
The job was a success thanks to the professionals at SiteMix Pressure Grouting and our considerable expertise in this area. Regardless of the nature of your project, our experts promise the very best in soil stabilization, bulk-in-fill grouting, permeation grouting, neat grout manufacturing, cellular concrete, and chemical grouting. For more information about our services or if you would like to discuss a potential project, please contact SiteMix Pressure Grouting today. You can also follow along with us on Facebook and Twitter for additional news, updates, and more.

2310 Perimeter Park Drive
Atlanta, GA 30341
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm